
Showing posts from February, 2013

[Microsoft Word] How to hide the page number in a table of contents.

We can hide the page number customizing the field code of a table of contents as follows: 1) Insert a table of content of your document using TOC menu on the reference tab, 2) Move your mouse cursor to the top of TOC are whose background is filled with gray color, 3) Click the right button of your mouse there and select the display the field code, 4) Check the field code such as { TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \t}, 5) Input the option to hide the page number such as "\n 1-2", where the option "\n" means No, and the 1-3 means that the page number from the heading 1 to heading 3 is hidden.

The pptPlex can not stably run on PowerPoint2013

Oh my God... The pptPlex, which is an addin software of Microsoft PowerPoint, can not stably run on the new version 2013 of the PowerPoint.

How to grab the image using the Microsoft LifeCam Studio and OpenCV libraries.

This blog illustrates the way to develop a software to grab the image using the web camera of Microsoft LifeCamStudio and OpenCV libraries. I have grabbed the image successfully. [Environment of the development] Compiler: Microsoft Visual Studio 2010Ultimate OpenCV: 2.43 #include "stdafx.h" #include <iostream> #include <sstream> #include <Windows.h> #include <opencv2/opencv.hpp> using namespace cv; int main(void) {   VideoCapture cap(0);  if(!cap.isOpened() )  return -1;  while(1){   Mat frame;    cap >> frame;   imshow("image", frame);   if( waitKey(30) >= 0 ) break;  }  return 0; }